fredag 11. november 2011

LP 24/7 365: My second skype call with Heather:)

 I had my second session with Heather today. It was great! 

My challenge this week was to look for positives, add the process and edit my thoughts. Heather said that she wanted to hear at least ONE positive change. 

I must admit that before our call today I wondered if I had one. Because I have notised many limiting beliefs this week. And I could have done so much better.... I suddenly became aware that it was hard for me NOT to tell the bad stuff. Felt wrong or untrue to leave that behind.. 

 I have done a couple of really good process sessions. And I have coached myself. I have done two really great moments when I used a relaxation tool, to completely change how I felt. I have done some really great changes! 

As you understand, I have been in and out of the pit. The result is somewhere in between. I have done some really good work, but not really recognizing it. The brain have been trained to look for negatives for so many years, and that is what the brain is used to do. So the result is that I am watering out my own achivements. 

I have realized so many things this week. I have been duing complexity about it all, watering out my achivements, trying to hard, and so on.

During my talk with Heather today I feel that I have sorted out A LOT. I am going to focus on taking small steps. I do not need to fix anything. What a relief! I can just think about what I can focus on right now, or in the next half hour, to create a good feeling. 

Coach has now become my best  friend, wich is great! And I choose to look ONLY for positives. Make a stop on everything else. And my big challenge is to show joy and positivity with my entire body. With body language and posture! I do not think I have realized just HOW important this is before now.

I have done a great job all evening after our talk. I REALLY feel that I can do this now. I am going to make it fun and easy, trigger the good neurology that I really need!

One minute, one hour, nne day at the time.

SO, thats the end of negative focus here on the blog as well!

From now on you will hear only the good stuff:)

My achivements, and how I am moving forward to a life I love.

Tomorrow and sunday I am going to attend the wonderful self-development course called Unique Mind ESP. I will recieve a lot of healing there, I can hardly wait:)

DO a wonderful weekend everybody:)

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