I did a great weekend! I attended a course wich I have taken several times before. It is called Unique Mind ESP. The founder is Deborah Borgen, also known from "Åndenes makt" (power of the spirits) and "Fornemmelse for mord" (sense of murder) at TV. At the course you get some fantastic tools to use when you work with your self development.
During the weekend I actually discovered myself all over again! I can SEE myself now, I can HEAR myself and I am ready to LISTEN and take responsibility for my own life! I now know that I can TRUST myself, and give myself some love:) And I know, that when I can do all these things to myself, OTHERS will do the same! Thats wonderful:)
I have always been a collector. Not any particular things, just having a hard time to get rid of things. You know, I might need it some day.... And then all the THINGS make me crazy, you know how it is...
I have changed. I live only for today, and I have thrown away a lot of papers that I may never use. Its just there. Not any more. Diarys, thrown away. Calenders, same.. And what is left? Freedom!
I am willing to let go! Let go of the past. Live for today. And DO the things that i need to DO to get THE LIFE I LOVE:) We all need something to live for. A vision. A dream.
Take the road less travelled by, make miracles!
I want to dance ZUMBA!
I want to TRAVEL!
I want to LOVE!
I want to help the children of tomorrow, to become aware of the greatness of their full POTENSIAL!
It is wonderful when you can see the influence you can have in life, and the possibilities!
I have done joy!
I have done focus!
I have done good belief about the future!
If I can do THAT, it means I can do ANYTHING!
I do not need to fear tomorrow, when I know that I can create my own day:)
Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. And man can be a s big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.
John F. Kennedy
Read more:http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_f_kennedy_3.html#ixzz1e06tz6us
Oh, I just realized that a new weekend is coming up! Tomorrow is my day off:)
Happy new weekend everyone!!
Do a good one!
Happy new weekend everyone!!
Do a good one!
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