mandag 7. november 2011

LP 24/7 365: week 2 and another turning point:)

First I want to tell that I have been doing some great discoveries the last days. I was talking to a friend of my parents on facebook. I asked her about her RA. (I know, Heather, I focused on sickness by doing that, but you know, that was before you "moved in" with me). She said some words wich made a big difference to me. It may seem strange to others that those exact words made a difference. For most people it is an of course thing. She said: "life is not over if you get a RA diagnose"...

Wow! My life is not over!! Well, of course it is not, you might think. But those words told me a lot of what I have been telling myself. I realized then, that I have been putting my life on hold for a very long time! I have been waiting, duing a lot of bodychecking to find out what would happen next, see how ill I would become, before I would do anything more in my life. I thought that my life was over, so to say. And I thought that all I could do was to try to survive in the condition I would end up.

I remember I thought things like: It is no point in buing new boots, because my feets will start swell any minute now, and they will not fit into any shoes at all. I guess I will have to use slippers all year long.

How is that for a "good one"??? 

Anyway, those words from my parents friend helped me. By saying them to myself, I realized that I am still me, I still have a life, I can buy new boots, I can still do good, I can still experience nature and good times. I do not need to put my life on hold, I do not need to lay down and die (...), I can actually start to LIVE again, instead of putting my life on hold. It made me HAPPY!

I have done some great days because of that discovery:)

And again, I remind myself that I need to heal myself from within. It means that I can focus on other things than my body, and that is truly a relief.

Recently, I have been able to help some people I know who is duing ME. That feels wonderful. It is so many that for some reason just will not listen on that ear... So when someone do, it really feels great. So for my friend who is now seriously thinking about doing LP instead of ME, YOU GO GIRL!!

TODAY I have done another turning point in my LP journey. I had my first skype call with Heather Thomas. She was my LP instructor when I did ME, and she is my number ONE. I am so HAPPY that she can be my guru:) 

Today we did some great improvements, and she reminded me of a lot of the essential and important aspects of the LP. Among other things I learned about the importance of good coaching. I recognize that my coaching have not been as good as it needs to be. To really step into the self esteem, firmness, kindness and posture that the coach need, to adress the issues, is something I need to focus up on.

Limiting beliefs is another important issue for me. I have to repeat what I decide to believe in, again and again, to get old-Camilla to accept the changes I am determined to do.

I am happy that Heather will guide me through these first weeks. It is of great importance that someone are there to help. I think the keys for me is determination and to be consistent. Also, of course, to adress the issues at once, by adding the LP:)

Friday will be my next session with Heather, and I will tell more about how I am duing later.

Do a great day everybody!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Så flott blogg du har,og du skriver veldig godt:) Virkelig inspirerende! Keep up the good work:)

    Hilsen LP-frøken;)

  2. Takk LP-frøken:)

    Jeg blir varm om hjertet av slike ord <3

    Gjør en fantastisk kveld og helg du også!

    Klem fra Camilla
