tirsdag 1. november 2011

The first days of LP 24/7 365

Its been almost a week since I started my new LP journey. During this first week  I have worked on my motivation. It seems that I have a deep belief inside, wich says:  "my life is over because of the RA". And I am duing struggle to get past it. In other words I have indentified some of my limiting beliefs, wich is good!

Theese are the NLP books I ordered from amazoon:

Coaching With NLP, Joseph O`Connor & Andrea Lages
NLP Workbook, Joseph O`Connor
Introducing NLP, Joseph O`Connor & Jane Seymour
NLP The new technology of achivement, Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner, The NLP comprehensive training team.

So now I have enough to read:)
So far I have been just reading a little here and a littlie there. They seem very good to me:)

All my life I have been duing "worst case senario" thoughts. I truly believe that by duing that, I have got myself into a lot of trouble. 

During the week, I have had my ups and downs. Duing stuggle one day, hope the next. I have a whole set of tools I use when I work on my self development. I focus as much as I can all the time, on thinking enhancing thoughts. Useful thoughts. I coach myself a lot. But I have not been doing the process a lot. I have definitively been visiting the pit. 

My issue is, and I believe I said so last time as well, that my limited beliefs are so strong that I have to work on them A LOT. 
And, I think it is hard (or more precisely I am DUING difficult) to go through the process when I am in pain.

By the way, I have started to say words as "pain" in a very funny way. I say it with a very light and baby-like voice, like it is a very little weak word. I want to take the power away from the word, so my body don`t need to react in a negative way about it. When I think or speak like that I start to smile or laugh:)
To write negative words in small letters are also useful. Or just to replace them with other, better words. 
For example I do not use the words "must", "have to" or "should have" any more. Instead I use the much better word "can". You can try it, it really makes you feel better:)

I have discovered some limiting beliefs this week. I have also discovered that they are not true:)

If anyone have stories to tell, or advise to give I would be happy to hear or recieve:)

Love from me

more later...

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Camilla, I am following your story with interest and empathy. I borrowed your idea for the box full of little hearts with positive thoughts on them. love Maddy

  2. Thank you Maddy:)

    Great that you did so!

    Hugs, Camilla

  3. Dear Camilla

    Well done for turning your discovery of beliefs into a positive experience!

    By the way, my brother-in-law has RA and his life is pretty full, even without the LP. With the LP work you are doing it will be even better!

    I think your blog has helped me change my attitude recently and I now have a 3-week plan using the LP to let go of some recent stuff, which after 4 days is going well, so thank you for being brave enough to put your diary on the internet. I do think you will do very well so keep going!

  4. Thank you so much Jane!

    And thank you for telling me about your brother-in-law:)!

    I am SO glad that you find inspiration of something I do/write. Feels good in my heart:)

    Good luck you too!

