onsdag 23. november 2011

My story, Part 2: Heaven on earth

I began searching the internet. Previously, I focused at the symptoms and on finding out what was wrong with me, the question of WHY things happened as they did. I had examined my past, childhood, marriage and job, found the answers to a lot. At the same time, a lot of emotions appeared; anger and blame against my parents, siblings, teachers, my husband, the bus driver who assaulted me as a young girl etc. Guilt and criticism above myself, how I had coped with life, motherhood, etc. I have gradually realized more about why I almost developed anorexia as a young girl, and why I over ate as an adult. I became aware of the patterns I drove over and over again in life. I learned A LOT about fear.

I found a lot of information pages on the web. The pages was supposed to be informative and useful, but in fact the pages just made me more scared than I already was. I got to the point where I was so tired of being sick, that I decided to read only the success stories. I took a decision: Enough disease!

I tried to find alternative ways out of the situation. I read the success stories in magazines and on the web. I found an increasing number of examples, people who had managed to turn their situation. Books about self development filled my home. The first book I read, "you are born to live a wonderful life" by Robert Holden is a wonderful book. Reading the book lit a feeling of hope inside me. It made me feel happy. I decided to become a success story myself!

I studied and wrote summaries of books.

Made me a binder that I called "my own miracle medicine." Other small books were filled with favorite phrases and sayings, I visualized and repeated affirmations to myself. Wrote down my own visions and goals. Louise Hay, The Secret and NLP are some of my favourite books. The books on thought field therapy, self hypnosis, healing, and the books of Neale D. Walsh is other examples. I started to understand the power of our thoughts and mind.

My neighbor had ME for several years. One day she sent me a text message that said: "Check out the website for the Lightning Process, I am going to London in November!" I checked out the page, but did not really understand what it was all about. So I left it with that. I was not ready.  I did not know it at the time, that this was my way out of the hell I was living in.

I sat for hours every day online. Read about the son of Gunvor Hals, who recovered from his ME after taking a vitamin product from Canada. So I sent an email to her. I wanted the vitamin product. Her advised was; there is something with even better success when it comes to resolving ME, than this product. It is called The Lightning Process. This is something you can fix yourself, she said, with true belief in her voice. I sent the application, got a call from the English instructor, and got a place at a seminar at the home of Gunvor Hals. I asked my best friend to join me, she said yes without even thinking about it, and off we went! Just to get there was a hard job, when you can barely walk..

What happened during the 3 days in Oslo I can hardly describe in words. It is the best thing that has happened to me to this day! I met a fantastic instructor, who explained what had happened to my body, and told me that I could fix it! Even better, the situation could turn around quickly! After a thorough explanation, we got a concrete introduction to what we could do to reverse the situation. And the amazing thing was, that we could feel the proof right away! When we used the process, it really worked! After 3 days I went home, like a new person. A world I never knew existed had opened before my eyes. And the fear? Well, it had disappeared along with the ME. I actually had not noticed it myself because I was so focused on what we learned at the seminar. So when someone mentioned the word anxiety, I could only laugh. Is it possible I thought, is this for real?

It goes with the story that I was not 100% healthy from that day. I came home from the course and back to my everyday life, which had not changed. There was a lot to work with, I can promise you. I got a few relapses along the way, where both anxiety and ME "came" back. But I had changed myself, I had a toolbox , and I used it to get myself out of the situation again.

The feeling of self-manage to fix something so completely out of balance, it is a great powerful feeling. I had to work hard, but it was worth every second. The seminar was worth every 50 cents! I can say with the hand on my heart, that with the LP, you are guaranteed success if you do what you are trained to do the course.  If others can do it, there is got to be a way that I can do the same. If I can do it, so can you. And this is true for ME, anxiety, depression, and many other kinds of disorders.

Just to do the dishes was a wonderful experience, because I could do it! I was able to walk for miles without collapsing, I could go on visits, shop, play with the kids, go to a party! I'll never forget the joy I felt when I climbed my first peak shortly after the LP seminar. I could even start as an aerobics instructor again! It was amazing!

A while later a friend asked me to join her on the Silva Ultra Mind course. There, I got the puzzle piece that was missing before it all was complete. The tool for how I could heal my past. I felt like I was THERE. Now I had what I needed to face everything in life with confidence. I did not fear anything any longer, I had been on the bottom, I had got my dose.

I was at home, whole, free, born again, that is the way it felt.

But the story does not end here ...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nydelig og sterk lesning om hvordan du har jobbet med deg selv hele veien, for å komme dit du er idag:) Igjen; du inspirerer virkelig! Din historie med angst og utmattelse likner min, og jeg er også (selv om fortsatt endel plaget), hele tiden opptatt av å jobbe med meg selv, og det viktigste; oppleve mestring. Det er MITT liv!

    For å sitere geniale Ingvard Wilhelmsen; "Det er ikke mer synd på deg enn andre" (Tittelen kan oppleves litt provoserende med det første), men den har virkelig fått meg til å tenke. Vi kan ikke gjøre noe med verden (den er som den er), forandre andre personer, hindre at ulykker skjer, forandre fortiden etc etc, men vi kan velge hvordan vi forholder oss til det. Og ta ansvar for oss selv. Beinhard jobbing, for når man er syk (og jeg har i likhet med deg, vært svært langt nede, bde psykisk og fysisk), er det egentlig det siste man orker tanken på. Jeg har i hvertfall ønsket og trengt (trodde jeg), noen som kunne være der for meg, trøste meg, hjelpe meg etc etc. Får meg ut av denne tilstanden, NÅ! Jeg har skjønt at det ikke fungerer sånn, og må lete etter nye veier. Jeg tror jeg er godt i gang.
    Med ønske om en fott dag til deg, Camilla:)

    Klem LP-frøken igjen:)

  2. Kjære LP frøken:)

    Den setningen kan man føle ja. Jeg husker en som sa en gang: fy f... så negativ du er!! til meg. Jeg kjente henne ikke særlig godt, og hun sa det i en situasjon hvor jeg egentlig spøka, men hun traff noe i meg. Først år senere forsto jeg at hun hadde rett. Jeg skal takke henne en dag.

    Jeg jobber jeg og, hver dag, hele tiden. Jeg er vel det de kaller en høysensitiv person. Tar inn ALT, tar på meg andres greier i tillegg. Heldigvis kan man lære å kontrollere dette, bl.a via ESP.

    Vil så gjerne, vet du, men så er det ikke alltid underbevisstheten henger med. Den er jo vant til noe annet.

    Herlig at du er en av de som jobber bevisst idag. Det kommer mye ut av det, og belønningen kommer! Stå på!

    Du kan være stolt!!

    Klem til deg
