torsdag 27. oktober 2011



I wanted to do something extra to mark this special day. To mark my turning point. So after I sent the kids off to school, I went for a walk. I did good thoughts all morning, and I did a good, optimistic feeling as a result. I walked for about 2 hours in the forrest and up the mountain. I LOVE to be in the nature. I found a "hug-tree". I often do that. When I feel I want to hug a tree, I take the first and best tree, put my arms around it and hugs it for a while. The nature vibrates at a wonderful healing level. To hug a tree can be a strong spiritual experience. I get the sence of standing grounded, with strong roots. I can stand safe in the storm and all kinds of resistance, still grounded, still tall and strong. I compare my own life with the tree`s life. You could try it sometime, I like it:) 

Its been a long time since I took a walk like this. I loved it. I also did some yelling there in the forrest, happy yelling, just because I felt like doing so. Heather, my one and only, made a comment on that at the seminar. She said that I need to show with my whole body and the way I speak, everything that is positive. Like I really mean it. To really trigger the good emotions. That`s what I did up there in the mountain. 

I have stayed on track the whole day, I have been doing focus, and not really needed to do the process at all. When I did a thought that is not life-enhancing, it was enough to spot it and choose a useful thought instead. 

I visited my sister today.
I made good food for the kids before they went to sleep.
I have been doing good memories:)

I have been doing pain in the evening after the walk.
I have not been doing fear about it. 

I have decided that I am going to keep moving/exercising as much as possible, because it is so important, and something that is really life-enhancing. So I will adjust the degree of training after the degree of pain.

I have noticed some doubt and fear today. 
I have noticed some pain and focus on sickness.

I have replaced it with: I am the ONLY one in this particular situation. I do not have to think of what have happened to others. I have nothing to fear now, because I can do the process. I am here TODAY. TOMORROW has not yet arrived, NOONE can tell the future. And I can have a say in how things is going to be. The important moment is right now. As always when you start to do something new, you will do resistance. It is like a child that normally goes to bed at 9 pm. If you decide that she is now going to bed at 8 pm, she will not automatically accept it. It`s the same with new thoughts. If you hold on to them, the old thoughts will start to accept the new way. 

I am not going to heal any sickness or condition, I am going to heal myself. That means that I can do less focus on the joints, and more focus on doing a life I love. 

I have a box with small paper hearts in. I am writing affirmations on them, and useful things that I can focus on during the day. I think it is helpful for me to focus on something positive than to walk around and look for thoughts that is not life-enhancing:) For example I can write this on one paper heart: "today I want to focus on being my own best friend", or "today I want to focus on talking with my inner child", or "today I want to find as much to laugh about as posible", or "what would love do in this situation", or "focus on forgiveness", "focus on being grateful", or just a nice quote I like to remind me of something important, like: "take a road less travelled by, make miracles", or " trust the things you can not see, and you will see the things that you trust". Still working on this box:)



Some more pictures from my turning point walk:)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for writing this Camilla. It's very inspiring! And inspires me to keep going with the process and with focussing on the positive.


  2. Thank you Jane:)

    I am happy that you think so:)

    Keep up the good work:)

