For the last 4 years, ever since I did the LP seminar at the home of Gunvor Hals in Oslo, I have wanted to become an LP instructor. The magic I experienced back then, I will never forget. It was amazing.
To want something, but not do it, have been kind of a normal to me. I have never thought that I was good enough, that I could actually do it. I could come up with an idea, and just the thought of it felt good. Then I started to play some old familiar patterns, who says that I can`t do it, not me, I am not good enough. I haven`t got the money, it`s not the right time, and so on..
This was also the case with the lightning process. I deeply wanted to become an instructor, and I could see clearly in my mind how it would all happen. Then I started to analyze, and in the end I would always decide that it would be best not to do it. Not right now. Maybe later. After I have done this, or become that...
I am aware of my old patterns now. I am ready to change them. I have a lot of things going on in my body, that need to be healed. The major challenge are my joints, all affected by something, that is not life enhancing. I have been working with self development the last 5 years. I have got a lot of new perspectives about life and health. I wish to use them for what they`re worth, to regain my health.
This year I did it. I applied for the diploma course in NLP, coaching and hypnotherapy. However, it all took a different direction than I first thought. The nice lady at Phil Parkers office thought it would be better for me to go back to basic, to start up with doing everything I learned at the LP seminar, and use it on my current health situation. And then come back to do the course next year.
I contacted my very own angel Heather. She is the one that was my instructor in Oslo. At the time they didn`t have any norwegian instructors. Heather have been there for me ever since. So kind. So, I am going back to the basics. To do The Lightning Process. And I am going to talk to Heather on Skype along the way.
Inspired by other blog writers, who have done 365 day posts about different subjects, I want to do the same with The Lightning Process.
This time I am not going to wait until monday to do it....or next year.... I am starting now. I will - as far as it is possible - give an update every day on my blog. I might find it easier to update my LP 24/7 365 DAYS blog once a week. Then I will do so. I tell along the way. Anyway, I am going to write down my experiences for all the 7 days at the end of the week. 365 days. I wonder where it will take me..
I will write in english, to prepare myself for the diploma course. Whether I take the course or not, I will benefit from writing in english. It`s been quite a while since I last used my school english.. In this way english speaking can read my blog as well (if they understand my english, hehe). I am also going to study NLP on my own, by reading english books on the subject.
I have a couple of other tools besides LP. Unique Mind ESP and EFT. I might use them every now and then too, whenever I feel it is right for me. You will hear all about it:) I need to set some goals along the way, to evaluate how I am moving forward. One year is a long time. I will have to take one day at the time.
The first day is tomorrow....
LP 24/7 365
Best of luck. Continued health and happiness :)